1. “Alexander Scriabin’s Use of French Directions to the Pianist” published by The UK Scriabin Association at URL: http://www.scriabinassociation.com/articles/
2. Alexander Scriabin. Ten Sonatas for Piano. MCA Music; New York: Ed. H. Sheldon, 1949
3. Alexander Scriabin. Complete Préludes and Études for Pianoforte. Dover; New York: Eds. K. N. Igumnov & Y. I. Mil’shteyn, 1973
4. Alexander Scriabin. Mazurkas, Poèmes, Impromptus and Other Works for Piano. Dover; New York, 1991
5. Garcia Susanna. Scriabin’s Symbolist Plot Archetype in the Late Piano Sonatas // 19th-Century Music. 2000. 23(3). Р. 273-300
6. Attwood Koji. Scriabin - Extensive Biography // the Piano Society, available online at: URL: http://pianosociety.com/new/phpBB2/viewtop.ic.php?t=143
7. Huei-Ling Seah Stefanie. Alexander Scriabin’s Style and Musical Gestures in the late Piano Sonatas: D.Phil. Thesis. University of Sussex, 2011. P. 102
8. Huei-Ling Seah Stefanie. Op. cit. P. 102
9. Huei-Ling Seah Stefanie. Op. cit. P. 102
10. Huei-Ling Seah Stefanie. Op. cit. P. 102
11. Bowers Faubion. Scriabin: a Biography, 2/e. Dover; New York, 1996
12. Bowers Faubion. Op. cit. Vol. I. P. 204
13. Bowers Faubion. Op. cit. Vol. II. P. 237
14. Bowers Faubion. Op. cit. Vol. II. P. 27
15. Nicholls Simon. With Exotic Enthusiasm: Annotations and Titles in the Music of Skryabin as Clues to Content and Aids to Interpretation // Journal of the Scriabin Society of America. 2010-11. 15(1). P. 76-101. Fn. 60
16. Bowers Faubion. Op. cit. Vol. II. P. 52
17. Carlson Maria. Fashionable Occultism: the Theosop.hical World of Russian Composer Aleksandr Scriabin // Journal of the International Institute, University of Michigan. 2000. 7 (3 Summer); reprinted in Journal of the Scriabin Society of America. 2007-2008. 12 (1). Р. 54-62
18. Morrison Simon. Skryabin and the Impossible // Journal of the American Musicological Society. 1998. 51(2 Summer). Р. 283-330; reprinted in Journal of the Scriabin Society of America. 2002-2003. 7(1). Р. 29-66. Fn. 2
19. Bowers Faubion. Op. cit. Vol. II. P. 206
20. Sabaneev Leonid. Reminiscences of Scriabin. Moscow, 1925. P. 63, 173, 241
21. Schloezer Boris. A. Skriabin. Berlin, 1923. Vol. I. P. 27
22. Schloezer Вoris. Op. cit. P. 23
23. Bowers Faubion. Op. cit. Vol. I. P. 51
24. Bowers Faubion. Op. cit. Vol. II. P. 211
25. Morrison Simon. Op. cit
26. Brown Malcolm. Skryabin and Russian “Mystic” Symbolism // 19th-Century Music. 1979. 3 (1). P. 42-51
27. Brown Malcolm. Op. cit
28. Brown Malcolm. Op. cit
29. Sabaneev Leonid. Op. cit. P. 148
30. Morrison Simon. Op. cit
31. Rubcova Valentina. Preface // Alexander Scriabin. Sonata 5. Henle Urtext Edition, 2011, P. VI URL: http://www.henle.com/media/foreword/1111.pdf and Commentary. P. 29 URL: http://www.henle.com/media/review/1111.pdf
32. Bowers Faubion. Op. cit. Vol. II. P. 148
33. Nicholls Simon. Op. cit. Fn. 92
34. Alexander Skryabin: Notebooks / Trans. Simon Nicholls and Michael Pushkin. Toccata Press. 2015