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4. Talluri K. T., Ryzin G. J. van. The Theory and Practice of Revenue Management. 2005. Springer. 714 p.
5. Weatherford L. R., Polt S. Better unconstraining of airline demand data in revenue management systems for improved forecast accuracy and greater revenues // Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management. 2002. Vol. 1 ¹ 3.
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8. Littlewood K. Forecasting and Control of Passenger Bookings. Proceedings of the 12th AGIFORS Symposium., Nathanya, Israel. October, 1972. P. 95-117.
9. Talluri K. T., Ryzin G. J. van. The Theory and Practice of Revenue Management, 2005. Springer. 714 p.
10. Weatherford L. R., Polt S. Better unconstraining of airline demand data in revenue management systems for improved forecast accuracy and greater revenues // Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management. 2002. Vol. 1 ¹ 3.