Доклад конференции
С. Г. Курбатова,
М. Р. Карпухина,
С. В. Рунге
Due to the point that translation is still a controversial issue in foreign language communication teaching, both ordinary and professionally oriented, as well as due to the fact that translation remains a significant component in various foreign language training programs, this present study attempts to characterize the significance of translation for the development of students’ communicative activity based on the analysis of arguments given by supporters and opponents of translation.
Курбатова С. Г., Карпухина М. Р., Рунге С. В., Рубцова А. В., Зайцева Н. Ю. К ВОПРОСУ О РОЛИ ПЕРЕВОДА В ОБУЧЕНИИ ИНОЯЗЫЧНОМУ ОБЩЕНИЮ НА СОВРЕМЕННОМ ЭТАПЕ. 2022;:506-512.
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