Доклад конференции
П. Р. Коздринь
The article studies the educational potential of ASR and TTS technologies in teaching foreign languages. Being a popular means of communicative interaction in various fields of everyday life at the present time, these technologies can become an additional tool for out-of-classroom speaking practice. The article analyzes some forms of involving this technology into the foreign language teaching process, reveals its positive influence on the formation and improvement of the speaking and pronunciation skills of students.
Список литературы
1. Информационный ресурс о разговорном ИИ “Just-ai” [сайт] / URL: https://just-ai.com/ru/blog/rynok-umnyh-kolonok-i-golosovyh-assistentov-v-rossii-i-mire (дата обращения: 05.12.2021).
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6. Трегубов В. Н. Использование голосовых ассистентов для развития английской научной речи // International Journal of Open Information Technologies. 2020. № 6. URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/ispolzovanie-golosovyh-assistentov-dlya-razvitiya-angliyskoy-nauchnoy-rechi (дата обращения: 05.12.2021).