Доклад конференции

Школьный химический эксперимент в условиях цифровизации образования

Р. Н. Сагитова, С. И. Гильманшина

The features of a school chemical experiment in the context of the introduction of digital technologies in education are considered. It is noted that the introduction of digitalization has led to the emergence of a virtual experiment in school chemical education. The natural chemical experiment received additional opportunities; the possibilities of using quantitative experiments expanded. In general, the digitalization of education offers the teacher a whole range of equipment that will allow the teacher to successfully implement the use of the chemical experiment in various types of lesson and extracurricular activities.

Сагитова Р. Н., Гильманшина С. И. Школьный химический эксперимент в условиях цифровизации образования. 2021;:267-271.

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