Доклад конференции

Организационные формы и методы управления научно-исследовательской деятельностью студентов

В. Э. Огородник, Н. В. Суханкина

Tudents’ research work is a powerful tool for would-be specialists’ professional competences formation. The main principle of the organization of student science research project (SSRP) work is consistency, which refers to the integration of research, education and practice. An essential prerequisite for SSRP effective organization at HEIs (higher educational institution) is an efficient motivation of the research activities of academic staff and students. SSRP has two interrelated organizational forms, i.e. SSRP as a part of the teaching and learning activities (ESSRP) and SSRP as an extracurricular activity. When forming the research competencies of students in the course of SSRP carried out as a part of the teaching and learning activities (ESSRP), the implementation of a practice-oriented approach, in particular, practice-oriented situational tasks (problems), gives good results. The article summarizes the experience of research work management at the Faculty of Natural Sciences of BSPU named after M. Tank.


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