Доклад конференции
Исследование органической составляющей и экотоксикологическая оценка донных отложений водоотводных каналов на территории полигона для захоронения продуктов переработки твердых бытовых отходов в Янино-1
The article discusses data on the state of bottom sediments at the landfills of solid household waste in the territory of the waste processing plant in Yanino-1. Sampling sites were divided into old deposition and new deposition sites. The results of the study show that the organic content of bottom sediments taken from the territory of old waste burial sites (2012-2014) significantly exceeds the corresponding value in the territory of new waste burial sites. To assess the toxicity of the samples, the determination of phototoxicity was used. A higher toxicity of samples of bottom sediments in the territory of old landfills was found in comparison with areas of new landfills for municipal solid waste.
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