Доклад конференции

О региональном сетевом проекте «Профилизация школьного химического образования»

И. В. Аксёнова

The article is devoted to the design of a school chemical educational space from grade 7 to grade 11 based on a combination of lesson and extracurricular activities in order to carry out pre-profile training and profile training for students. Participants in a network project from various educational organizations will decide on the approximation of the target life-oriented professional guidance of students and the implementation of profiling options in school chemical education. The identification of career guidance opportunities for the content of chemical education and the systematic work of a chemistry teacher to implement them with the help of a subject in the process of pre-profile training and profile training will help to determine ways to build individual educational routes for students in order to meet the cognitive professional needs of all groups of students and the formation of professionally significant competencies in students.


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