Доклад конференции


В. Г. Мосин, Л. Г. Мачавариани, А. Н. Паранина

The 68th Gertsenovsky readings are devoted to one of the called events - 70 years of establishment of UNESCO which, from our point of view, the beginning of a new era - Renaissance of complete world culture marks, in its initial quality of unity of significant parts. Development of this process is carried out through deep reconsideration of events, achievements and losses of the last centuries and millennia, on the basis of understanding of the defining status of the Nature in planetary and space measurement, by restoration of communication of civilizations of the present and the past in which as visually I showed experiment of our conference, the modern geography carries out a key role.The role of geographical knowledge in development of our civilization rather accurately is reflected by the existing system of geographical sciences where the physical geography carries out a role of the integrator, the backbone kernel defining rational structure of all scientific models just as the geographical space represents the arena of interaction of natural and sociocultural processes, defining their regional and local specifics.Thanks to systemacity and objectivity of the accumulated knowledge, the geography belongs to the world outlook sciences forming a complete picture of the world. Unlike private geographical disciplines, thephysical geography can serve as the tool for the complex and multidimensional solution of such tasks, asenvironmental management optimization, development of projects of a sustainable development, the long- term forecast.Awareness of the state importance of geographical knowledge served as a basis of discussion of priorities ofexpansion of material resources of geographical science and education in Russia at the XV congress of RGO in Moscow (on November 7, 2014) where the geography received a title of «the queen of sciences». Geography force - in deep tradition of thinking processes in which any part of reality appears as result and the reason of the general movement, a point of intersection of natural and anthropogenous streams of substance, information, endogenous energy of Earth and exogenous energy of Space. Such thinking developsonly geographical, i.e. system and spatial knowledge, and its opportunities are universal. The professional destiny of graduates of faculties of geography, as in Russia, and around the world testifies to it, in particular. Geography, relying on integrity of geographical space time as any other science, approaches us to understanding of that all of us are children of Earth and the Sky (Space), necessary and unique parts of a whole - the part of the Light.

