Доклад конференции

Равно-ранговый метод организации самостоятельной работы студентов

А. М. Стихова, Г. Н. Фадеев, Н. М. Трудникова, С. А. Фадеева

An analysis is given of the conceptual idea of mutual learning, which has been formed in recent decades and has received support not only from the Western, but also from the Russian pedagogical community. Recommendations for its use in the process of teaching students are given. The authors of the article point to the insufficient development of the theory for the practical implementation of the proposed learning model. It is proposed to use the possibilities of the already developed by A. M. Stikhova “Integrative- differential methodological system”. This system is versatile and recommended for use in any discipline in higher education. Its combination with the peer-to-peer learning methodology is the basis for a modern form of independent work of students.

Стихова А. М., Фадеев Г. Н., Трудникова Н. М., Фадеева С. А., Миренкова Е. В., Орлова И. А. Равно-ранговый метод организации самостоятельной работы студентов. 2023;:233-236.

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