Доклад конференции

Ключевые аспекты обучения химии студентов с нарушением слуха в инклюзивных программах инженерного образования

О. А. Орешкина, В. Н. Горячева

This article discusses the key decisions to ensure the accessibility of the content of chemistry classes for hearing impaired students wjo are subjects of inclusive programs at a technical university of a general type. They provide for modifying curricula and programs, creating a transformable digital learning environment, taking into account the principles of universal design for learning (UDL), equipped with assistive technical and audial equipment and technologies. But in order for this environment to become multimodal, only its technical and technological equipment is not enough. Significant teacher efforts are needed to develop accessible classes using information cognitive technologies for teaching in such an environment that can satisfy cognitive needs of both hearing impaired students and ordinary ones.


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