Доклад конференции

Из опыта организации балльно-рейтинговой системы оценки учебных достижений обучающихся медико-профилактического факультета по дисциплине «Общая химия, биоорганическая химия»

И. С. Иванова, А. С. Попов, Л. Б. Гайковая

Improving the quality of professional training of future doctors is one of the main tasks of any medical university. The demand for doctors imposes new requirements on the level of their professional training. The discipline “General chemistry, bioorganic chemistry” is the basic one in the structure of medical education. The introduction of a point-rating system makes it possible to take into account the entire learning process, all the merits in the field of studying this discipline, creates conditions for timely correction of knowledge, the process of self-education, increasing the activity of independent activity, requires an increase in the activity of the student and, as a result, an increase in the objectivity of assessment and the quality of training of the future doctor. In the article, the authors describe the goals and principles of the point-rating system and share their experience in organizing a point-rating system in the discipline “General Chemistry, bioorganic chemistry”.


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