Доклад конференции

Мотивация обучения химии в ГУМРФ имени адмирала С. О. Макарова: возможности и результаты

О. В. Витязева, Л. А. Наумова

The article discusses the possibilities and results of increasing motivation and studying the chemistry course by cadets of the GUMRF named after Adm. S. O. Makarov. The educational component of training, invariant and variable parts of the educational material in separate sections, the possibility of using professionally-oriented situational tasks are presented. It is noted that the inclusion of variable modules of professional orientation in the content component of the discipline can significantly increase the interest of students in the discipline of chemistry. Examples of the invariant and variable part of the educational material, the use of professionally-oriented situational tasks in the chemistry course, characteristic of certain areas of professional activity of future specialists of the marine and river fleet, are given. The results of mastering the chemistry course in the last academic year are presented, confirming the validity of the professional orientation of the content of the discipline and the effectiveness of training.


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