Доклад конференции

Методы обучения студентов общей химии и физике в контексте реализации интегративной концепции преподавания естественнонаучных дисциплин

Е. Я. Аршанский

The article substantiates the essence and leading ideas of the integrative concept of teaching natural sciences (on the example of general chemistry and physics). The main methods of teaching general chemistry and physics to students are disclosed: establishing interdisciplinary links between physics and chemistry, performing a physical and chemical experiment, working with electronic educational resources, etc. It is substantiated that unified approaches to the study of physical and chemical concepts, theories, laws and regularities contribute to the most complete understanding of the essence of physical and chemical processes, the structure and properties of substances; the interrelationships of research methods used in chemistry and physics create the basis for the application of uniform methods and techniques for teaching these sciences.


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