Доклад конференции

О роли технологического подхода в реализации требований обновленных федеральных государственных образовательных стандартов общего образования в обучении химии

М. А. Шаталов, Ю. Ю. Гавронская

The article considers the role of the technological approach in solving the problem of effective implementation of the requirements of the updated Federal State Educational Standards for Basic General and Secondary General Education in the practice of teaching Chemistry. In this regard, the relationship between the technological approach and the system-activity approach, which is the methodological basis of these educational standards, is considered. The author's definitions of such concepts as technological approach and teaching technology are introduced in the article. The algorithm of actions of a teacher in designing a lesson of Chemistry based on a system-activity approach is revealed. The priority types of educational activities of students (problem-search, research, project design, modeling, communicative- dialogue) in the modern practice of teaching Chemistry and the types of teaching technologies that are used to implement them (problem solving teaching, enlargement of didactic units, educational project and educational research, educational debate and discussion, STEAM, digital technologies) are defined in the article.


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