Доклад конференции

Химический эксперимент по получению углеводородов и их производных как средство формирования предметных умений школьников

С. В. Рогатых, Н. А. Сизенцов, С. А. Волкова

The role of a chemical experiment on the production and chemical properties of hydrocarbons in teaching tenth grade students of general education schools with an in-depth study of biology and chemistry is shown. A chemical experiment is implemented in practical work as a means of transforming students' knowledge and skills into skills of free, easy and intuitive use of educational material, a model for developing knowledge into practical skills is being implemented. Students expand their horizons beyond their capabilities, reveal their potential, develop solid analytical thinking, systematized logic, visual-sensory mechanical memory.

Рогатых С. В., Сизенцов Н. А., Волкова С. А., Роговая О. Г., Давыдов В. Н. Химический эксперимент по получению углеводородов и их производных как средство формирования предметных умений школьников. 2023;:112-115.

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