Доклад конференции

Вадим Никандрович Верховский - педагог и наставник учителей химии

И. А. Орлова, Ю. Ю. Гавронская, Е. М. Колосова, С. Е. Рублева

Didactics and methods of teaching chemistry developed in heated discussions, a fierce struggle of opinions about the ways of formation and development of the Soviet secondary school, higher chemical and chemical-pedagogical education in the post-revolutionary period. The greatest merit of the great scientist, teacher, experimental chemist V. N. Verkhovsky's goal is to create a rich and diverse methodological heritage (the first program of a systematic course on the basics of chemistry for secondary school, the first stable textbook, a book on the technique and methodology of chemical experiment at school, the first domestic methodology for teaching chemistry in secondary school, and many others), a system of training students in a pedagogical university, which for decades determined a high level of chemical education in the country.


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