Глава книги
А. А. Лощилова,
Т. Г. Кобалян
The article is devoted to the problem of the development of an environmentally oriented life activity of the individual in the study of the cultural heritage of his native land. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study was formed by the ideas of coevolution, sustainable development, eco-development, the position of the integral, landscape-environmental, personality-activity and cultural-ecological approaches. Eco-oriented life activity is revealed in the context of the structure and functions of the culture of nature management. The substantive, procedural and technological foundations of the development of ecologically oriented life activities in the study of the cultural heritage of the native land are presented. There are given examples of practical tasks that ensure the development of students' environmentally oriented ways of life perception, life comprehension and life creation, which are the basis for the preservation of cultural heritage objects.
Список литературы
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