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А. С. Аверкиев

Circumnavigation of the oceanographic vessel «Admiral Vladimirskii» was held from August 2014 to January 2015. This expedition can be considered as a contribution to the study and preservation of maritime heritage. While vessel had following the Northern Sea Route in addition to scientific studies landing in unique geographical locations were carried out, such as Russian Harbour, Cape Desire, Cape Chelyuskin, on Wrangel Island, and Cape Dezhnev and ports Dixon, Tiksi, Pevek, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. At the National Park "Russian Arctic" at Cape Desire Novaya Zemlya archipelago works on the restoration and preservation of historical sites have been started and largely mainly formed. Cleaning the area from scrap metal and its export to the mainland were carried out. Inspectors protect birds, polar bears and other animals from random and nonrandom pursuers. Undoubted interest on Wrangel Island, where despite the distance, also organized by the State Nature Reserve and works on preservation of monuments, flora and fauna and infrastructure development of the reserve. It is obvious that the historical sites, natural conditions, fauna of these unique places are very interested for professionals: developers resources, sailors, explorers, fishermen and tourists.


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