Таксами Н. История штата Аляска и населяющих его аборигенных народов в американской историографии. Известия Российского государственного педагогического университета им. А.И. Герцена. 2009;(104):7-14.
1. Мейер У. Коренные американцы. Новое движение сопротивления индейцев / Ред., пер., вступ. статья Ю. П. Аверкиевой. М.: Прогресс, 1974. 94 с.
2. Хикл У. Д. Проблемы общественной собственности. Модель Аляски - возможности для России? М.: Прогресс; Анкоридж: Институт Севера, 2002. 359 с.
3. Alaska and its history / Ed. by M. B. Sherwood. Seattle, London: University of Washington Press, 1967. 475 p.
4. Alaska and the Yukon / Ed. by B. Milne, M. Wright. New York: Facts of publication, 1983. 160 p.
5. Alaska public policy. Current problems and issues / Ed. by G. S. Harrison. Fairbanks: University of Alaska, 1971. 327 p.
6. Andrews C. L. The story of Alaska. Caldwell; Idaho: The Caxton printers, 1938. 303 p.
7. Anthropology of the North Pacific rim / Ed. W. Fitzhugh, V. Chaussonnet. Washington; London: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1994. 380 p.
8. Case D. S. Alaska natives and American laws. Fairbanks: University of Alaska Press, 1984. 515 p.
9. Cooley R. A. Alaska. A challenge in conservation. Madison: University of Wisconsin press, 1967. 170 p.
10. Cooper B. Alaska - the last frontier. London: William Morrow and Company, 1972. 248 p.
11. Haring R. C., Correia C. C. Economic base of the Fairbanks North Star Borough, Alaska. Fairbanks: University of Alaska Fairbanks, 1967. 156 p.
12. Hulley C. C. Alaska 1741-1953. Portland; Oregon: Binfords and Mort, 1953. 406 p.
13. Hutchison I. W. Stepping stones from Alaska to Asia. London; Glasgow: Blackie, 1937. 246 p.
14. Kleinfeld J. S. Eskimo school in Andreafsky. A study of effective bicultural education. New York: Academic Press, 1979. 367 p.
15. Kleinfeld J. S., McDiarmid G. W., Hagstrom D. Alaska's small rural high schools. Are they working? Anchorage: Institute of Social and Economic Research Center for Cross-Cultural Studies, 1985. 165 p.
16. Kresge D. T. Bristol Bay. A socio-economic study. Fairbanks: University of Alaska Fairbanks, 1974. 69 p.
17. Kresge D. T., Morehouse T. A., Rogers W. R. Issues in Alaska Development. Seattle; London: University of Washington Press, 1977. 223 p.
18. McClanahan A. J., Bisset H. L. Na'eda. Anchorage: The CIRI Foundation, 2004. 126 p.
19. Mitchell D. C. Sold American. The story of Alaska natives and their land, 1867-1959. The army to statehood. Hanover; London: University Press of New England, 1997. 564 p.
20. Morehouse T. A., McBeath G. A., Leask L. Alaska's urban and rural governments. Lanham; New York; London: University Press of America, 1984. 261 p.
21. Oleksa M. Orthodox Alaska: A theology of mission. Crestwood; New York: St. Vladimir's Seminary, 1998. 252 p.
22. Robinson A. G. Commerce and industries of Alaska, Hawaii, Porto Rico, and the Philippine islands. Washington: Government printing office, 1913. 116 p.
23. Rogers G. W. Alaska in transition. The southeast region. A study sponsored by the Arctic institute and North America and Resources for the future. Publication for Resources for the future. Baltimore: John Hopkins press, 1960. 384 p.
24. Rogers G. W. A comparison of the employment impact of the alternative routes on the state of Alaska // Alaskan oil: alternative routes and markets / Ed. C. J. Cicchetti. Baltimore; London: John Hopkins University Press, 1972. 142 p.
25. Spicer G. W. The constitutional status and government of Alaska. Baltimore: John Hopkins Press, 1927. 133 p.
26. Tompkins S. R. Alaska. Promyshlennik and sourdough. Norman: University of Oklahoma press, 1945. 352 p.