Пути развития леворадикальных партий в странах Европы в конце ХХ - начале XXI века
После крушения коммунистических режимов и снижения актуальности коммунистической идеологии под вопросом оказалось само существование леворадикальных партий в странах Западной Европы. Однако в настоящее время леворадикальные партии, адаптировавшиеся к новым условиям, представлены более чем в десяти национальных парламентах стран Западной Европы. В статье представлены основные подходы к анализу современных европейских леворадикальных партий, а также модели развития коммунистических партий на примере Франции, Германии и Нидерландов.
1. Левые в Европе ХХ века. Люди и идеи: Сборник статей / Под ред. Н. П. Комоловой, В. В. Дамье. М.: Институт всеобщей истории РАН, 2001.
2. Botella J., Ramiro L. The Crisis of Communism and Party Change. The Evolution of West European Communist and Post-Communist Parties. Barcelona: Institut de Ciencies Politiques i Socials, 2003.
3. Communist and post-communist parties in Europe / Eds. U. Backes, P. Moreau. - Hannah-Arendt-Institut fur Totalitarismusforschung. - Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2008.
4. Mahr A., Nagle J. D. Resurrection of the Successor Parties and Democratization in East-Central Europe // Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 1995. Vol. 28.
5. March L. Contemporary Far Left Parties in Europe. From Marxism to the Mainstream? // International Policy. Fridriech Ebert Stifung, 2008.
6. Mudde C. The Populist Zeitgeist // Government & Opposition. 2004. Vol. 39.
7. Muller-Rommel F. The Lifespan and the Political Performance of Green Parties in Western Europe // Green Parties in National Governments. Eds. Muller-Rommel F., Poguntke T. London: Frank Cass, 2002.
8. Voerman G. The Disappearance of Communism in the Netherlands // Communist and post-communist parties in Europe / Eds. U. Backes, P. Moreau. - Hannah-Arendt-Institut fur Totalitarismusforschung. - Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2008. Р. 13-38.
9. Le Front Gauche. La page officielle. URL: http://www.frontdegauche.eu/index.php/
10. Nordic Green Left. Political platform. URL: http://www.nordic-green-left-alliance.org/en/platform.htm
11. Brown A. The Rise and Fall of Communism. Doubleday Canada, 2009.
12. Bozoki A., Ishiyama John T. The communist successor parties of Central and Eastern Europe. M. E. Sharpe, 2002.
13. Abedi A. Anti-Political Establishment Parties: A Comparative Analysis. London: Routledge, 2004.
14. Cooke P. Representing East Germany since unification: from colonization to nostalgia/ Berg Publishers, 2005.
15. Courtois S., Andolfatto D. France - The Collapse of the House of Communism // Communist and post-communist parties in Europe / Eds. U. Backes, P. Moreau. - Hannah-Arendt-Institut fur Totalitarismusfor-schung. - Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2008. Р. 87-132.
16. March L., Mudde C. What's Left of the Radical Left? The European Radical Left since 1989: Decline and Mutation // Comparative European Politics, 2005. Vol. 3.
17. Moreau P. The PDS/Linkspartei. PDS and the Extreme Left - Decline and Renaissance of Communism in Germany // Communist and post-communist parties in Europe / Eds. U. Backes, P. Moreau. - Hannah-Arendt-Institut fur Totalitarismusforschung. - Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2008. Р. 39-86.
18. Pellicani L. Gramsci. An Alternative Communism? Hoover Institution Press, 1981.
19. Left Alliance Party Program. URL: http://www.vasemmisto.fi/component/content/article/24politiikka/961-the-left-road-to-a-just-world-.html
20. Parliamentary Group European United Left - Nordic Green Left. URL: http://www.guengl.org/showPage.php?ID=1&LANG =1&GLANG=1
21. Parties and Elections in Europe. A database. URL: http://www.parties-and-elections.de/
22. Parti Communiste Francais. La page officielle. URL: http://www.pcf.fr/spip.php?rubrique112
23. Programm der Partei DIE LINKE. URL: http://die-linke.de/fileadmin/download/positionen/krueger_moeglichkeiten_demokratisierung1207.pdf
24. Socialistische Partij. Programma - 2006. URL: http://www.sp.nl/2006/programma/betere_democratie. shtml
25. Abedi A. Anti-Political Establishment Parties: A Comparative Analysis. London: Routledge, 2004.
26. Levye v Evrope ХХ veka. Ljudi i idei: Sbornik statej / Pod red. N. P. Komolovoj, V. V. Dam'e. M.: In-stitut vseobschej istorii RAN, 2001. 466 s.
27. Botella J., Ramiro L. The Crisis of Communism and Party Change. The Evolution of West European Communist and Post-Communist Parties. Barcelona: Institut de Ciencies Politiques i Socials, 2003.
28. Bozoki A., Ishiyama John T. The communist successor parties of Central and Eastern Europe. M. E. Sharpe, 2002.
29. Brown A. The Rise and Fall of Communism. Doubleday Canada, 2009.
30. Communist and post-communist parties in Europe / Eds. U. Backes, P. Moreau. - Hannah-Arendt-Institut fur Totalitarismusforschung. - Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2008.
31. Cooke P. Representing East Germany since unification: from colonization to nostalgia/ Berg Publishers, 2005.
32. Courtois S., Andolfatto D. France - The Collapse of the House of Communism // Communist and post-communist parties in Europe / Eds. U. Backes, P. Moreau. - Hannah-Arendt-Institut fur Totalitarismusfor-schung. - Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2008. Р. 87-132.
33. Mahr A., Nagle J. D. Resurrection of the Successor Parties and Democratization in East-Central Europe // Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 1995. Vol. 28.
34. March L. Contemporary Far Left Parties in Europe. From Marxism to the Mainstream? // International Policy. Fridriech Ebert Stifung, 2008.
35. March L., Mudde C. What's Left of the Radical Left? The European Radical Left since 1989: Decline and Mutation // Comparative European Politics, 2005. Vol. 3.
36. Moreau P. The PDS/Linkspartei. PDS and the Extreme Left - Decline and Renaissance of Communism in Germany // Communist and post-communist parties in Europe / Eds. U. Backes, P. Moreau. - Hannah-Arendt-Institut fur Totalitarismusforschung. - Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2008. Р. 39-86.
37. Mudde C. The Populist Zeitgeist // Government & Opposition. 2004. Vol. 39.
38. Muller-Rommel F. The Lifespan and the Political Performance of Green Parties in Western Europe // Green Parties in National Governments. Eds. Muller-Rommel F., Poguntke T. London: Frank Cass, 2002.
39. Pellicani L. Gramsci. An Alternative Communism? Hoover Institution Press, 1981.
40. Voerman G. The Disappearance of Communism in the Netherlands // Communist and post-communist parties in Europe / Eds. U. Backes, P. Moreau. - Hannah-Arendt-Institut fur Totalitarismusforschung. - Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2008. Р. 13-38.
41. Le Front Gauche. La page officielle. URL: http://www.frontdegauche.eu/index.php/
42. Nordic Green Left. Political platform. URL: http://www.nordic-green-left-alliance.org/en/platform.htm
43. Left Alliance Party Program. URL: http://www.vasemmisto.fi/component/content/article/24-politiikka/961-the-left-road-to-a-just-world-.html
44. Parliamentary Group European United Left - Nordic Green Left. URL: http://www.guengl.org/showPage.php?ID=1&LANG =1&GLANG=1
45. Parti Communiste Francais. La page officielle. URL: http://www.pcf.fr/spip.php?rubrique112
46. Parties and Elections in Europe. A database. URL: http://www.parties-and-elections.de/
47. Programm der Partei DIE LINKE. URL: http://die-linke.de/fileadmin/download/positionen/krueger_moeglichkeiten_demokratisierung1207.pdf
48. Socialistische Partij. Programma - 2006. URL: http://www.sp.nl/2006/programma/betere_democratie. shtml