Эволюция внешнеполитических взглядов сенатора А. Ванденберга в годы Второй мировой войны (1941-1945)
В статье рассматриваются причины и пути эволюции внешнеполитических воззрений сенатора-республиканца Артура Ванденберга в 1941-1945 гг.
1. Acheson D. Present at the Creation. My Years in the State Department. -N. Y.: Norton & Co, 1969.
2. Briggs P. Making American Foreign Policy. -N. Y.: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 1995.
3. Cole W. S. Roosevelt and Isolationists. 1932-1945. -Lincoln -L.: University of Nebraska Press, 1983.
4. Cole W. S. Senator Gerald P. Nye and American Foreign Relations. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1962.
5. Congressional Record. Proceedings and Debates of 77th Congress. Second Session. Vol. 87. Wash.: USGPO, 1941.
6. Congressional Record. Proceedings and Debates of 77th Congress. Third Session. Vol. 88. Wash.: USGPO, 1942.
7. Congressional Record. Proceedings and Debates of 78th Congress. First Session. Vol. 89. Wash.: USGPO, 1943.
8. Congressional Record. Proceedings and Debates of 78th Congress. Second Session. Vol. 90. Wash.: USGPO, 1944.
9. Congressional Record. Proceedings and Debates of 79th Congress. First Session. Vol. 91. Wash.: USGPO, 1945.
10. Connally T. My Name Is Tom Connally. -N. Y.: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1954.
11. Foreign Relations of the United States. 1945. General: the United Nations. Vol. 1. Wash.: USGPO, 1969.
12. Hoopes T., Brinkley D. FDR and Creation of U. N. New Heaven -L.: Yale University Press, 1997.
13. Hull C. The Memoirs of Cordell Hull. Vol. 2. -N. Y.: Macmillan Company, 1948.
14. Huthmacher J. J. Senator Robert E. Wagner and the Rise of Urban Liberalism. -N. Y.: Atheneum, 1968.
15. Kolko G. The Politics of War: The World and United States Foreign Policy, 1943-1945. -N. Y.: Random House, 1968.
16. Patterson J. Mr. Republican: A Biography of Robert A. Taft. -N. Y.: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1972.
17. Robinson J. A. Congress and Foreign Policy Making. Homewood: Doursey Press, 1967.
18. Stettinius E. The Diaries of E. Stettinius. N. Y.: Littlehampton Book Services Ltd, 1975.
19. US Congress Biographical Directory. URL: <http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl>?in-dex=V000025
20. Vandenberg A. The Private Papers of Senator Vandenberg. -Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1952.
21. Воронцов В. Б. Сенатор XX в. -М.: Прогресс, 1992.
22. Советский Союз на конференциях периода Великой Отечественной войны. -Т. 6. Конференция Объединенных Наций в Сан-Франциско. -М.: Изд-во политической литературы, 1984.
23. Юнгблюд В. Т. Внешнеполитическая мысль США 1941-1945 гг. -Киров: Изд-во ВГПУ, 1998.
24. Acheson D. Present at the Creation. My Years in the State Department. N. Y.: Norton & Co, 1969.
25. Briggs P. Making American Foreign Policy. N. Y.: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 1995.
26. Cole W. S. Roosevelt and Isolationists. 1932-1945. Lincoln -L.: University of Nebraska Press, 1983.
27. Cole W. S. Senator Gerald P. Nye and American Foreign Relations. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1962.
28. Congressional Record. Proceedings and Debates of 77th Congress. Second Session. Vol. 87. Wash.: USGPO, 1941.
29. Congressional Record. Proceedings and Debates of 77th Congress. Third Session. Vol. 88. Wash.: USGPO, 1942.
30. Congressional Record. Proceedings and Debates of 78th Congress. First Session. Vol. 89. Wash.: USGPO, 1943.
31. Congressional Record. Proceedings and Debates of 78th Congress. Second Session. Vol. 90. Wash.: USGPO, 1944.
32. Congressional Record. Proceedings and Debates of 79th Congress. First Session. Vol. 91. Wash.: USGPO, 1945.
33. Connally T. My Name Is Tom Connally. N. Y.: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1954.
34. Foreign Relations of the United States. 1945. General: the United Nations. Vol. 1. Wash.: USGPO, 1969.
35. Hoopes T., Brinkley D. FDR and Creation of U. N. New Heaven -L.: Yale University Press, 1997.
36. Hull C. The Memoirs of Cordell Hull. Vol. 2. N. Y.: Macmillan Company, 1948.
37. Huthmacher J. J. Senator Robert E. Wagner and the Rise of Urban Liberalism. N. Y.: Atheneum, 1968.
38. Kolko G. The Politics of War: The World and United States Foreign Policy, 1943-1945. N. Y.: Random House, 1968.
39. Patterson J. Mr. Republican: A Biography of Robert A. Taft. N. Y.: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1972.
40. Robinson J. A. Congress and Foreign Policy Making. Homewood: Doursey Press, 1967.
41. Stettinius E. The Diaries of E. Stettinius. N. Y.: Littlehampton Book Services Ltd, 1975.
42. US Congress Biographical Directory. URL: <http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl>?index=V000025
43. Vandenberg A. The Private Papers of Senator Vandenberg. -Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1952.
44. Voroncov V. B. Senator XX veka. -M.: Progress, 1992.
45. Sovetskij Sojuz na konferencijah perioda Velikoj Otechestvennoj vojny. -T. 6. Konferencija Ob#edinjonnyh Nacij v San-Francisko. -M.: Izd-vo politicheskoj literatury, 1984.
46. Jungbljud V. T. Vneshnepoliticheskaja mysl' SSHA 1939-1945 gg. -Kirov: Izd-vo VGPU, 1998.