1. ГОСТ 30494-96. Здания жилые и общественные. Параметры микроклимата в помещениях Введ.1999-03-01. М.: Изд-во стандартов, 1999. 13 с.
2. Contributions to the London Conference on Museum Climatology / Ed. by G.Thomson. London: International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, 1968. 296 p.
3. Guichen G. Preventive conservation: a mere fad or far-reaching change? // Museum International. Paris, 1999. Vol. 51. № 201. P. 4-6.
4. Museum Microclimates, contributions to the Copenhagen Conference 19-23 November 2007 / Ed. by T. Padfield and K. Borchersen. Copenhagen: National Museum of Denmark, 2007. 283 p.
5. Plenderleith H. J., Philippot P. Climatology and conservation in museums // Museum. Paris, 1960. Vol. XIII. № 4. Р. 202-305.
6. SeroArt: Lambert S. Italy and the history of preventive conservation [Электронный ресурс] / Lambert, S., 2010 - Режим доступа: http://ceroart.revues.org/1707, свободный. - Загл. с экрана.
7. GOST 30494-96. Zdanija zhilye i obshchestvennye. Parametry mikroklimata v pomewenijah Vved.1999-03-01. M.: Izd-vo standartov, 1999. 13 s.
8. Contributions to the London Conference on Museum Climatology / Ed. by G.Thomson. London: International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, 1968. 296 p.
9. Guichen G. Preventive conservation: a mere fad or far-reaching change? // Museum International. Paris, 1999.Vol. 51. № 201. P.4-6.
10. Museum Microclimates, contributions to the Copenhagen Conference 19-23 November 2007 / Ed. by T. Padfield and K. Borchersen. Copenhagen: National Museum of Denmark, 2007. 283 p.
11. Plenderleith H. J., Philippot P. Climatology and conservation in museums // Museum. Paris, 1960. Vol. XIII. № 4. R. 202-305.
12. SeroArt: Lambert S. Italy and the history of preventive conservation [Elektronnyj resurs] / Lambert, S., 2010 - Rezhim dostupa: http://ceroart.revues.org/1707, svobodnyj. -. Zagl. s ekrana.