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2. Bordovsky G., Marchenko A., and Seregin P. Mössbauer of Negative U Centers in Semiconductors and Superconductors. Identification, Properties, and Applicaton. Academic Publishing GmbH & Co, 2012. 499 pp.
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4. Bordovsky G. A., Marchenko A. V., Zaiceva A. V., Kozhokar M. Y., Seregin P. P., Nemov S. A. States of antimony and tin atoms in lead chalcogenides. Semiconductors. 2011. V. 45. № 4. Рp. 427-430.
5. Bordovskii G. A., Marchenko A. V., Seregin P. P., Zaitseva A. V., Nemov S. A. Mössbauer U-centers as tools for studying the Bose condensation in semiconductors. Semiconductors. 2008. V. 42. № 10. Pp. 1153-1160.
6. Nasredinov F. S., Nemov S. A., Masterov V. F., Seregin P. P. Mössbauer studies of negative-u tin centers in lead chalcogenides. Physics of the Solid State. 1999. Т. 41. № 11. С. 1741-1758.
7. Nemov S. A., Nasredinov F. S., Seregin P. P., Seregin N. P., Khuzhakulov É. S. Energy parameters of two-electron tin centers in PbSe. Semiconductors. 2005. V. 39. № 6. Pp. 638-641.
8. Nemov S. A., Nasredinov F. S., Seregin P. P., Seregin N. P., Khuzhakulov E. S. Statistics of electrons in PbS with u centers. Semiconductors. 2005. V. 39. № 3. Pp. 289-292.
9. Terukov E. I., Marchenko A. V., Zaitseva A. V., Seregin P. P. Two-electron germanium centers with a negative correlation energy in lead chalcogenides. Semiconductors. 2007. V. 41. № 12. Pp. 1413-1418.
10. Terukov E. I., Seregin P. P., Marchenko A. V. Temperature dependence of the frequency of two-electron exchange between impurity negative-u tin centers in lead sulfide. Technical Physics Letters. 2014. V. 40. № 3. Pp. 196-198.