PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Качалова, Г С TI - Химический диктант как средство оценки химической грамотности DP - 2024-03-27 SO - AB - The article is devoted to a problem of assessing chemical literacy skills, which can be considered as an integral part of literacy in natural science. The acquisition of chemical knowledge and special skills are necessary for solving vari- ous practical problems. Everyone can test own chemical literacy during a chemical dictation. The author presents the results of the first All-Russian Chemical Dictation, held in 2018 at the Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University had been obtained by its participants. Tasks of the Dictation show the role and importance of Chemistry in the life of contemporary people and society, as well as reflect the chemical nature of the world. For students, participation in such events can increase their motivation for studying chemistry. Moreover, the teachers of Chemistry can use obtained results from dictations for improve an extracurricular work with schoolchildren.