Доклад конференции

Последствия и перспективы для Южной Кореи в связи с празднованием 10-летия получения статуса наблюдателя в Арктическом совете

Ж. Ким, С. Ли

Since the Russia-Ukraine crisis that occurred in February 2022, the international situation has changed significantly. The security environment of the Arctic Circle, which draws the attention of the international communities due to climate warming, resource development, and increased accessibility, is also rapidly changing. Conflict within the Arctic Council (AC) is amplifying due to increased cooperation between Russia and China in the Arctic Circle, the dispatch of special envoys from the United States, and the declaration of Finland and Sweden joining NATO. 2023 is the year for the Republic of Korea (hereinafter referred to as South Korea) to celebrate the 10th anniversary of acquiring AC observer qualification. Accordingly, this paper analyzed South Korea's Arctic policies and activities over the past 10 years, and based on this, attempted to seek the possibility of cooperation with Russia, which shares the same perception of the Arctic as a potential space for future growth.


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